March 2020 Announcements

Dear Customers:

It’s mid-March, and just about the strangest one I’ve ever encountered. I’ve never started my Spring season with the fear of a pandemic. I’ve been feeling a similar feeling I had right after 9/11, where there was so much fear, horror, rumor, mis-information, so many unknowns. I’d like to embrace the idea that we are all in this together, and although we may need to socially isolate ourselves, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do our best to help our fellow man, exhibit kindness, and continue to strive to create normalcy for ourselves and family.

A silver lining for me is that Spring has arrived early. And as part as my determination to create normalcy and stability, I will be getting a 2 week jump start to our Spring cleanups, which is much needed because the Thanksgiving snow last year ended our season before we were finished and we have a little extra to attend to in some gardens. Plus if our ability to work is restricted because of travel bans or quarantines, we hopefully won’t lose too much ground having had a head start. The crew is very eager get back to work.

If you remember from last month’s email blast, I was to be an exhibiter at the Capital District Garden and Flower Show at the end of March. I withdrew from the show Thursday morning, cutting my losses and deciding I needed to devote all my energy to starting my season early. Later that day, Governor Cuomo banned all gatherings of greater than 500 people, effectively putting an official end to the show anyway.

In this letter, I’ve included a picture of a weeping crabapple that I planted for my very first client, maybe 16 years ago. This client has been a wonderful source of friendship and support for me, and I could safely say if it wasn’t for their belief in me and my skills, I would not be where I am today, writing this letter to all of you wonderful people. This picture, so full of light and beauty, reminds me to stay optimistic. I hope it does for you as well.

If you are a customer and haven’t received a maintenance contract from me, you will very soon. Please be so kind as to let me know as soon as possible if circumstances have changed and you no longer can support my services. I’m optimistic that generally people will want to maintain their investments.

Please everyone, take good care and I’ll see you in the garden!